Land Rover 130 dimensions
Model: Land Rover 130 Double Cab Pick Up (2007)

Length: 203.5 (in) = 5170 (mm)
Width: 70.5 (in) = 1790 (mm)
Height: 79.6 (in) = 2021 (mm)
Compare Land Rover 130 dimensions to: Land Rover 90, Land Rover 110, Land Rover Defender
Width: 70.5 (in) = 1790 (mm)
Height: 79.6 (in) = 2021 (mm)
Compare Land Rover 130 dimensions to: Land Rover 90, Land Rover 110, Land Rover Defender
Land Rover 130 details:
Defender 130 Double Cab Pick Up (Defender 130 Dabl Kab Pikap) is pikap with a wheel-base 130 inches. To 5 landings places have this pikap in a salon. Defender 130 Dabl Kab Pikap will help to transport lyuboee necessity to you equipment.
Defender is the most reliable and «hardy» model of Land Rover. This car, making debut in 1948, differs of genius simplicity and reliability of construction, becoming in truth legendary.
Defender can be considered the result of purposeful evolution and embodiment of technical principles which provided the revolutionary level of his descriptions during almost sixty years. In Defender 2007 years these engineerings principles were complemented the newest power aggregate and restaylingom baskets.